Writing 1st program of C#

 Rules to be followed.

 You need to produce high quality C# Code. Here are some rules you may follow.

 1. Keep everything simple and clean

            Avoid complex coding in your program if you have complex program then use your time to analysis and divide into subtasks. 

2. Be consistent

            Be consistent as much as possible whatever you do. This is especially important when writing your code against your coding rules-coding standards. 


3. Have a coding standard

            A coding standard defines how you write your code. 

            1. For class names use Pascal Casing

            2. For Function names use Pascal Casing

            3. For Properties use Pascal Casing

            4. Use camel Casing for member variables, parameters, local variables

            5. To distinguish between local and member variables use this keyword and don’t use


Hungarian and notations having _,m_,s_ for your local or member variables


1.     Comment and document your code

You use comments in C# via // or /**/. Why not to go a step ahead and use /// also.


Visual Studio and Sharp Develop environments can comment on your methods and classes using /// notation. Before your method enter / for 3 times and add additional comment info


5. Test your code

            Use some unit testing tools using visual studio and test the source code. 


Coding Standard Notations 

There are several notations to follow for names and here they are. 

Hungarian Notation: Prefix the type of value for a variable name.

 Ex: intAge,strName...etc 

Camel casing Notation: first letter lower and next each word has capital letter.

Ex: lastName,firstName,foreName,surName 

PascalCasing Notation: every word first letter capital letter

Ex: FirstName,LastName,ForeName,SurName 

Snake Notation: each word is in lower case, and separated by underscore.

Ex: last_name,first_name,fore_name,sur_name 


Saving the C# code in Notepad


Here are the steps.

1.     Open the new notepad with shortcut keys Ctrl+N or directly from Windows search box.

2.     We should write the C# code or program.

3.     We can save the program at a particular file location with extension “.cs”

4.     Save the program with Ctrl+S or via file menu.




Compiling C# Programs thru Developer Command Prompt

 Here are the steps 

Step 1: Open the text editor like Notepad or Notepad++, and write the code that you want to execute. Now save the file with .cs extension

Step 2: Compiler your C# source code with the use of CSC command like below

Ex:  CSC<filename>.cs


If your program has no error, then it will create a filename.exe file in the same directory where you have saved your program. Suppose you saved the above program as demo.cs. So, you will write csc demo.cs on cmd. This will create a demo.exe file.


Executing compiled code thru Developer Command Prompt

 There are two ways to execute the demo.exe. First, you must simply type the filename i.e demo on the cmd and it will give the output. Second, you can go to the directory where you saved your program and there you find filename.exe. You have to simply double-click that file and it will give the output.



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