C# Versions and Features

 Microsoft released the first version of C# with Visual Studio 2002. The use of Managed Code was introduced with this version. C# 1.0



The major features of C# 1.0 include 

·       Classes

·       Structs

·       Interfaces

·       Events

·       Properties

·       Delegates



Microsoft released the second version of C# language with Visual Studio 2005. C# 2.0 has introduced a few new features


·       Partial Class

·       Generics

·       Static Classes

·       Nullable Types

·       Co-variance and Contravariance :It enable implicit reference conversion for array types, delegate types, and generic type arguments



Visual Studio 2008 came with C# version 3.0


·       Lambda Expression : Lambda expressions in C# are used like anonymous functions by using '=>' lambda operator

·       Extension Methods

·       Expression Trees

·       Anonymous Types

·       LINQ

·       Implicit Type (var)




C# 4.0 was released with Visual Studio 2010 with .NET Framework 4,


·       Late Binding

·       Named Arguments

·       Optional Parameters

·       More COM Support

·       Dynamic Keyword



Visual Studio 2012 came up with C# 5.0


·       Async Programming

·       Caller Information




·       Read-only Auto-properties

·       String Interpolation

·       await in catch and finally blocks

·       index initializers

·       Null- conditional operators



With Visual Studio 2017 (March 7 – 2017) we got a new version of C# – C# 7.0


·       Out variables

·       Pattern matching

·       Tuples

·       Deconstruction

·       Discards

·       Local Functions

·       Binary Literals

·       Digit Separators

·       Ref returns and locals

·       Generalized async return types

·       More expression-bodied members

·       Throw expressions




With Visual Studio 2019, we got below features


·       Readonly members

·       Default interface methods

·       Pattern matching enhancements

·       Using declarations

·       Nullable reference types

·       Asynchronous stream



With Visual Studio 2019, we got below features


·       Init-only properties

·       Init accessors & read-only fields

·       Records With-expressions

·       Value-based equality

·       Data members

·       Positional records

·       Records and mutation

·       Top-level programs

·       Improved pattern matching



C# 10.0 is supported on .NET 6


·       Global usings

·       Null parameter checking

·       File-scoped namespaces

·       Record structs

·       Extended property patterns


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