Differences between programming languages

 Programming Language: It is enabling developers to communicate with computers for  the desired tasks.

There are various programming languages that can be used for writing programs and applications

1.     Machine Language

2.     Assembly Language

3.     High- Level Language

Further the above languages has been classified into 3 generations of programming languages.

1.     first generation language

2.     second generation language

3.     third generation language


Machine Language

The CPU can only understand the language of ones and zeroes that is machine language

i.e. Binary stuff. Machine level language(MLL) is allowing users to write program in 0’s and 1’s

The machine language contains the bits. As we all know for computers to understand the commands provided in high-level

 languages the instructions have to be converted into machine language that comprises bits.

The compiler or interpreter conversion of a high-level language to machine language




Binary value for 2 is 10



Binary value for 3 is 11



·       It is very faster to execute the program and return the response.

·       It does not require translator. It is directly understood by the computer

·       This is very efficient when compiling program



·       All operation codes have to remember

·       All memory address have to remember

·        Debugging of program is very difficult to finding errors in a program written in machine language is hard


Assembly Language

 The assembly language acts as the intermediate between machine level language and High-level language.

Assembly language is often called a low-level language as it is closer to hardware level.

A Specialized compiler known as assembler we are going to use to translate to machine level language.

Assembly language statements comprise four sections. These are mnemonic, operand, label, and comment (the last two sections are optional)


·       The fast and efficient way of converting assembly language into machine level language

·       Easy syntax like mnemonics, label, comments and sections kind of format it is having.

·       Easy to understand

·       Easy to locate and correct errors

·       Easy to modify

·       No worries about addressing

·       Efficient than machine language



·       It requires extra step to convert the assembly language to machine language.

·       We need to have knowledge on mnemonics like ADD,MUL,MOV. We must need a knowledge of the processor architecture and instruction set

·       many instructions are required to achieve small tasks

·       source programs tend to be larger and difficult to follow


High-Level Language

High-Level Language is a type of language that is designed to be easy for humans to read, write and understand.

All programming languages now days, all are high-level languages ex: C, C++, JAVA, C#, Python etc.



·       Easy of use: High-level programming languages are designed to be user-friendly and easy to learn. They use simple,

·       intuitive syntax and are easier to read and understand than low-level languages

·       Portability: High-level languages are platform-independent, meaning that they can run on any operating system without modification

·       Efficient: High-level languages are designed to be more efficient than low-level languages, as they abstract hardware-specific functions and low-level details



·       slower exec: High-level languages are generally slower than low-level languages, as they require more processing time to convert their code into machine code

·       less control: High-level languages abstract away low-level details and hardware-specific functions, making it difficult to optimize code for specific hardware or system

·       high memory usage: High-level languages require more memory than low-level languages, as they use additional functions and structures


Differences of Programming languages

Low-Level-assembly                                      vs                         High-Level – all languages

Compiler-c,c++,java etc.                                                            Interpreter- vb,foxfro,php,perl

Specialized features-Fortran                                                      General-purpose – all languages

Metaprogramming-LISP                                                              Non-metaprogramming- all languages

Sequential-python                                                                       Concurrent – erlang/clojure

Strongly typed-c++,c#,java                                                        Loosely typed-python

Object Oriented Language- all languages                              Object based progam-vb,php

Enforced style- Ruby                                                       non-enforced style – python



The C language is a  basic programming language and it is a very popular language, particularly used in game programming.


Pascal language is mostly a teaching language and few industries uses this language to write the programs. This language tends to use keywords instead of symbols and braces.


Fortran language is a number crunching language and still it is used by scientists. This language allows different sizes of variables up to the memory limit in the machine. This language is suitable for engineers, who have to calculate values with high precision.


The Java language is a multi platform language that’s particularly helpful in networking. Of course, mostly this language is used on the web with Java applets. However, this language is used to design cross platform programs, Since it similar to C++ in structure and syntax


The PHP language is used to design web pages and sometimes it is also used as scripting language. This language is designed to develop a rapid website.


LISP language is mostly used in computer science research and it stores all data in lists such as arrays. The syntax of list is very simple and easy to make for developers to implement structures.


The C++ language has an object oriented structure which is used in large projects. The structure of object oriented also permit code to be reused many times.This language is an efficient language.


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