Procedural Programming Approach

 Procedural programming language is a type of computer coding language that helps a computer to perform tasks, and it's one of the languages programmers use most frequently. Procedural code instructs a computer or other device to complete a task using logical steps. Using a top-down approach, it separates data and procedures into different entities.






Features of Procedural Programming approach 

·       TopDown Approach

The top-down approach is a way of dividing and subdividing the procedure into a sequence of commands. As you break down the commands and get further through the sequence, the     instructions become more specific. 

·       Pre-defined Function

Sometimes developers code new instructions and functions into their programs. You may use common technology commands and functions frequently when writing a program. Pre-defined   functions are common, ready-to-use functions. Developers identify them by name, and they're generally part of a larger programming library that professionals can access rather than programming a new function. 

·       Parameter passing

Parameters are the data values that each sequential function transfers from one to the other.

 Local Variables

You can define variables in a procedure based on their scope of use in the program or subprograms. Local programming variables have a local scope of use and aren't passed back to the main program. 

·       Global Variables

Global variables are the opposite of local variables. Although local variables have a limited scope of one subprogram, a global variable piece of data is visible in all subprograms across the wider program. Developers can therefore use a global variable in all functions of the program. 


·       Modularity

            Modularity relates to the top-down approach of breaking down overall tasks into smaller tasks and commands. It is the programming approach of having two different tasks grouped together under a wider process. 

Example of Procedural Approach with Realtime use case

The concept of procedure-oriented programming can be easily understood with the help of a real-world example. Let us imagine a scenario wherein a house is being built. While building a house, we decompose the work and group it into smaller activities such as laying the basement, building the walls and structure, making provisions for electrical supply, making provisions for water supplies and fixing the doors and windows. House building is a step-by-step activity like the procedural programming approach.


·       Initially, the masons finish their work. Following the masons, the electricians enter the building and finish the electrical activities.


·       The plumbers work for to ensure the water supply. After they complete their work, the carpenters fix the doors and windows.


·       Finally, the painters paint the house and the building process is over.


The activities that are done by the masons, electricians, plumbers, carpenters and painters can be related to the functions that are used in the procedural approach concept. A function performs the task it is intended for. After a function completes the work, the next function performs its activity




Versatility: Developers can use procedural coding languages for most general programming uses, which is why it's often one of the first languages they learn. The language is suitable and easy to use        for various basic programming projects.


Simplicity of use: Procedural functions are easy to understand, making it a good starting point when learning to code. The simplicity of the language means it's also an excellent option for developers when they have programming projects they're required to finish quickly.


Easy accessibility: Many use procedural languages, meaning there are a lot of learning and educational resources available to developers. There are courses, training literature and tutorials on the subject, and many professionals learn procedural programming through workplace training.


Reusability: Developers have multiple uses for procedural languages and can create a variety of commands for a variety of conditions. Once they write procedural code, they can reuse parts of the code at different points throughout the same project without copying it manually.





Data exposure: When writing procedural code, you can see all data written into the code throughout the process. This means that procedural programming doesn't offer the same level of security as other languages.


Single-use code: Procedural programming isn't always the best language for developers working on multiple projects, as it's single-use. Though parts of procedural language are reusable within the same project, developers can't use the code they write in one project for another project.


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