Platform Dependency vs Platform Independency

 If any language code written on 1 operating system and run it on that same OS, After that same code copy and execute on another Operating System, If that copied code not execute on another OS then that language code is called as PLATFORM DEPENDENT code.

If any language code called as PLATFORM DEPENDENT code, then that code also called as UNMANAGEDCODE


C,C++ are platform dependent codes


Small c program


 void main()


printf(“Hellow world”);



If any language code written on 1 operating system and run it on that same OS, After that same code copy and execute on another Operating System, If that copied code execute on another OS then that language code is called as PLATFORM INDEPENDENT code.


If any language code called as PLATFORM INDEPENDENT code, then that code also called as MANAGED CODE

Example : .NET Core, JAVA are platform independent languages


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