OpenSSH for Windows

 OpenSSH is the open-source version of the Secure Shell (SSH) tools used by administrators of Linux and other non-Windows for cross-platform management of remote systems. OpenSSH has been added to Windows (as of autumn 2018), and is included in Windows 10 and Windows Server 2019.

OpenSSH is a connectivity tool for remote login that uses the SSH protocol. It encrypts all traffic between client and server to eliminate eavesdropping, connection hijacking, and other attacks

SSH is based on a client-server architecture where the system the user is working on is the client and the remote system being managed is the server. OpenSSH includes a range of components and tools designed to provide a secure and straightforward approach to remote system administration, including:

  • sshd.exe, which is the SSH server component that must be running on the system being managed remotely
  • ssh.exe, which is the SSH client component that runs on the user's local system
  • ssh-keygen.exe generates, manages and converts authentication keys for SSH
  • ssh-agent.exe stores private keys used for public key authentication
  • ssh-add.exe adds private keys to the list allowed by the server
  • ssh-keyscan.exe aids in collecting the public SSH host keys from a number of hosts
  • sftp.exe is the service that provides the Secure File Transfer Protocol, and runs over SSH
  • scp.exe is a file copy utility that runs on SSH


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