Introduction of OpenID Connect

OpenID Connect (OIDC) is an open authentication protocol that profiles and extends OAuth 2.0 to add an identity layer. OIDC allows clients to confirm an end user’s identity using authentication by an authorization server. Implementing OIDC on top of OAuth 2.0 creates a single framework that promises to secure APIs, mobile native applications and browser applications in a single, cohesive architecture.

What is OAuth 2.0 and how does OAuth 2.0 work?

OAuth 2.0 is an authorization framework that delegates user authentication to the service provider that hosts the user account, and authorizes third-party applications to access the user account. OAuth 2.0 provides authorization flows for web applications, desktop applications and mobile devices.

By introducing an authorization layer, OAuth 2.0 separates the role of the client from the resource owner, or end user. If the client requests access to resources controlled by the end user and hosted by the resource server, instead of using the end user's credentials to access protected resources, the client gets an access token. With the approval of the end user, the authorization server will issue access tokens to the requesting client.

 OAuth 2.0 is explicitly designed to support a variety of different client types that access REST APIs. This includes applications running on enterprise web servers conversing with the cloud as well as applications running on employee or customer mobile devices. The OAuth framework supports a variety of client types by defining multiple mechanisms for getting a token where the different mechanisms acknowledge the client type constraints.

Differences of OAuth2.0 and OpenID Connect

The main difference between OpenID and OAuth is that OpenID is an authentication protocol while OAuth is an authorization framework. OpenID and OAuth are both open standards that complement each other, but OpenID allows users to be authenticated by relying parties. An OIDC relying party is an OAuth 2.0 Client application that requires user authentication and claims from an OIDC provider. OAuth allows access tokens to be issued to third-party clients by an authorization server. 

OpenID Connect is built on a profile of OAuth and provides additional capabilities in conveying the identity of the user using the application. Clients use OAuth to request access to an API on a user’s behalf, but nothing in the OAuth protocol tells the client user information. OpenID Connect enables a client to access additional information about a user, such as the user's real name, email address, birthdate or other profile information

How does OpenID Connect work?

 The application starts with an OAuth flow that asks the user to authorize a request. As part of that flow, the client will include the OpenID Connect scope along with scopes for any additional information it wants about the user.

After the request is processed, the client will receive an access token as well as an ID token issued by the authorization server that contains claims that carry information about the user. The user’s SSO experience is made possible by the delivery of the ID token from the authorization server to the client. The client can then contact a special endpoint on the authorization server known as the User Info endpoint to receive the remaining claims about the user. OpenID Connect also defines mechanisms for discovery and session management beyond OAuth.


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