
Showing posts from August, 2023

IdentityServer4 SetUp with SQL Server

  Introduction: In this blog you will learn how to store the operational and configuration data in MS SQL Database with ASP.NET and Entityframework Core. Prerequisites: Basic knowledge in building ASP.NET Core application.  If you are new to IdentityServer4 with ASP.NET Core 6, I strongly recommend you to read some of IdentityServer4 from Table of Content Create a new ASP.NET Core Project   Add Entity framework libraries   Configure Operational and Configuration Store   Establish the database connection   Add migration and update the database   Test the Service Create a New ASP.NET Core Project Create an empty ASP.NET Core project with .NET 6 framework using Visual Studio. This project will act as an actual IdentityServer4. I have added this project into solution and named it as Ids4_EFCore. My solution Add Entity Framework Libraries Add following libraries into a...