What is Azure KUDU?
When we create a web site/app in Azure environment then there are various ways of deploying and monitoring the website example using a publishing profile, cloud shell, KUDU console. Azure KUDU is one of the fastest and easiest ways of deploying the web site components to the Azure website. Azure KUDU is not only meant for the deployment but also it helps to development and admin team to get the logs of the web site, check the health of application by memory dumps, etc. It can be used as troubleshooting and analysis tools as well because we can get the required logs and we can monitor the processes of web sites that are running in the background. It is integrated with Git repository, CICD as well as we can access KUDU API endpoints programmatically. How to access KUDU: When we create any web site in Azure then it creates one special ‘SCM’ service site for us. Example- your Azure web site URL is ‘http://ABC.azurewebsites.net/’ then Azure creates SCM site for us with URL ‘https://my...