
Showing posts from October, 2018

Barracuda WAF

A Web application firewall (WAF) is a firewall that monitors, filters or blocks data packets as they travel to and from a Web application. A WAF can be either network-based, host-based or cloud-based and is often deployed through a proxy and placed in front of one or more Web applications. Barracuda Web Application Firewall enables administrators to configure security rules with varying degrees of granularity. A security policy, comprised of security settings, is shared by multiple applications.  A newly configured service originally uses the ‘default security policy’, so all URLs and Parameters are compared to the ‘default security policy’ settings. The Barracuda Web Application Firewall applies rules to traffic and generates a log of rule violations viewable in the BASIC > Web Firewall Logs page.   You can use the Web Firewall Logs to evaluate rule violations, and when warranted, create exceptions to the rule violated. Exceptions can apply globally if they mod...

How to create proxy class for WCF service

Svcutil.exe is used to create service model code. You can generate proxy class and .config files from wsdl, xsd etc..  It generates client code from running services or static metadata documents.  Below are the various functionalities provided by this tool : 1) Exports metadata documents from compiled code. 2) Validates compiled service code. 3) Downloads metadata documents from running services. 4) Generates serialization code. This tool is available in the following location C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v10.0A\bin\NETFX 4.6 Tools path will get changed and it depends on the .net framework installed on your machine. Go to the visual studio command prompt and type the above path prefix with "cd" and space and type SvcUtil.exe http://localhost/mywebservice.wsdl  below is the complete syntax of svcutil command execution from the command prompt. Syntax: Svcutil.exe /t:code /d:<<targetlocation>> /r:<reference assemblies if any>> /l...

ASP.NET WCF Service Bindings

WCF supports different protocols for communicating with the other services and allowing access to client. This blog describes the difference between different protocols used with WCF services. BasicHttpBinding:   It uses HTTP transport protocol and it is of text/xml message encoding type. It does not support security. There is no reliability and also It does not support transactions. WSHttpBinding:  It uses HTTP/HTTPS transport protocol. It is a secure and inter-operable binding and It supports Message security. Reliability is disabled by default. It support WS- Atomic Transactions. WSDualHttpBinding:  It uses HTTP transport protocol and reliable messaging is enabled by default. It support WS- Atomic Transactions. NetTcpBinding:   It uses TCP as a transport protocol and It supports Binary Message encoding. also, It supports Transport security mode. Reliable messaging is disabled and it supports OLE Transactions. NetPeerTcpBinding:   It supports P2P t...

WCF Services in ASP.NET

WCF(Windows Communication Foundation) is a Programming model which we write services and can unify the technologies like COM+ , MSMQ , .Net remoting ,  Web services etc. WCF has 3 main components: 1. Address 2. Binding 3. Contract Address : It is actually the URL which denoted the location of the service. i.e. where the service is located. Service can have more than one address and each of which is unique. Binding : It defines the way of communication of service. Service communicate with the help of protocols like TCP, HTTP ,MSMQ etc. Contract : It specifies the interface between client and the server. Interface contains  just attributes.  Communication takes to and from endpoints. Endpoints defines the location to which messages are sent and received. These location contains the address, binding and contract. There are 4 types of contracts 1. Service Contract: It is used to define the interface. 2. Operation Contract: It is used to defines the inside method interface. ...