
Showing posts from September, 2018

ASP.NET Web Site Performance Tips

When we develop any web site using  any technology  then we should look at the performance along with functionality. because once we deploy web site on public host then huge no.of request s may hit the website from different devices with different network configurations hence performance of web site is the primary aspect when you create web site. Below are some tips which we can adopt in any technology. Caching   If same data is required among multiple users,  Caching  can be used. Cache stores the data on application server's cache memory. So each time when a request is made the data will come from cache memory than Database.Example, On a particular page load you want a grid of multiple records to be loaded and data to display is same for all the users.In such scenario you can place the data in cache memory. It will boost the performance to a certain height. Make Static files as external Make JavaScript and CSS external i.e create separate files and ...

SQL SERVER global variables and Functions

SQL SERVER global variables and Functions like @@ROWCOUNT, SCOPE_IDENTITY, DBCC CHECKIDENT, IDENTITY_INSERT @@ROWCOUNT:- It returns the total number of rows affected in the last operation .i.e. SELECT/INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE SCOPE_IDENTITY: It returns the last value of the identity column of any table in the current session and the current scope. It must be referred immediately after INSERT, SELECT INTO, or bulk copy statement is completed or after an INSERT TRIGGER to get the correct value. @@IDENTITY: It returns the last value of the identity column of any table in the current session, across all scopes. Failed statements and transactions can change the current identity for a table and create gaps in the identity column values. The identity value is never rolled back even though the transaction that tried to insert the value into the table is not committed. IDENT_CURRENT: It returns the last value of the identity column for a specific table in any session and any scope. It wor...